Mentalism as a Hobby and Performance Art

Nestor Dee

We are told that never before has there been such an interest in magic; but this, I'm afraid, is simply interest in magic by other magicians – and would-be magicians at that. Not that the would-be's aren't often skillful enough to be the real thing. But you don't get to be a magician by joining a magic club or living in a magic store. You can only be a magician by putting on a magic show, you can only put on a magic show by getting an audience to come to see it. The bad news is that the dealers are selling more tricks while the theaters are selling less and less tickets.
Orson Welles – Foreword to Bruce Elliott’s Magic as a Hobby

This is part of a personal reflection. I am not a professional mentalist; I do not perform mentalism in front of strangers for money. So, what am I doing?

Mentalism is a performance art, like acting, dancing, and singing. Note that those are active verbs: the art is 'singing' not 'song', 'dancing' not 'dance'. One could say that they enjoy dance, but I would argue that it is not the same as enjoying dancing.

One is a mentalist if and only if they perform mentalism. Otherwise, they are a mentalism lover, a collector, a consultant, perhaps a writer or an historian. But not a mentalist.

Things get worse in that mentalism, like magic, is also a hobby. Hobbies need to be somewhat practical to be enjoyed leisurely, and thus they tend not to involve laymen. There are a few exceptions, like amateur acting and singing, which are sometimes presented to an audience of relatives. But, mentalism requires a suspension of disbelief which, more often than not, demands an audience of people who do not know you.

This makes for a very impractical hobby. What can an amateur mentalist do? Do you let go of the suspension of disbelief, and perform magic for relatives and other mentalists? Or are you a collector, a consultant, a writer, an historian, a mentalism lover?

How can you be an amateur mentalist?

By finding an audience. This should be your priority above everything else, there is no point in developing your repertoire if you do not perform mentalism. Now pick an effect, any effect, go forth and perform it.

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