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Gnostic Oblique

Gnostic Oblique

Brandon Bell

Regular price $55.00 USD
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The Gnostic Oblique is a one-handed full billet peek.

You take a quarter-folded billet, it stays in view of your audience the whole time, and yet you get a peek of the full billet with no restriction on the writing area, unusual fold, or switch.

You can peek words, numbers, but also full questions and drawings! And the billet can be confidently handed out for verification afterward. It is that clean.

And did I tell you that it is one-handed? You get:

  • Step-by-step filmed instructions.
  • 15 different methods to get a natural peek.
  • Troubleshooting techniques for when “things go wrong.”
  • 3 full routines.
  • Contributions and ideas from friends.
  • Entrance into a secret community of thinkers.
  • A podcast (?!) on the history and credits of the move.
  • A very special guest appearance and message.
  • Plus much, much more.

“It’s quite excellent. I have only one question… May I use it?” — Alain Bellon

“It’s like the Obsidian Oblique…but one F@*#ing handed!” — Julien Losa

“Beautiful! I am impressed with your method and can highly recommend it to all Mentalists!” — Millard Longman

“Quite impressive... You're handling is immaculate.. looks great!” — Allen Zingg

“Excellent, Brandon! Al Mann would have loved this! I will have to begin practicing this tomorrow.” — Richard Osterlind

“Obsidian Oblique was the best full billet peek, Gnostic takes it a step further.” — Stuart Palm

“It’s a game changer. It opens the door for new presentations and allows you to restructure a lot of classics.” — Ron Chavis

“It’s absolutely a thing of beauty and a step forward!” — Nestor Dee

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